Monday, November 10, 2008

A cozy weekend.......

Sung as a bug in a rug :)

spent indoors......Time to snuggle and indulge in some weekend woolgathering :)

Warmth on a grey winter day

This lamp had such warmth about it on the grey winter-y weekend we just got done with.


Nazzareno said...

the warm tone of the lamp and the grey one out, beautiful contrast of feelings...

Nikon said...

I agree with nazzareno, you got a great shot with those contrasting elements - very nice!

photowannabe said...

Moi, this makes me feel cozy too. I do like to wool-gather once in a while myself.
Love the warm tones and the composition of the last shot. Nice work.

Unknown said...


Lori said...

A cozy weekend spent indoors sounds pretty nice to me! Especially in this colder weather, I feel like hibernating sometimes! These shots are lovely.

Anonymous said...

I am intrigued by the out of focus view through the window.

Great shot

Anonymous said...

These posts do looks warm and inviting :)

Radha said...

that's a pretty lamp!

Anonymous said...

This is such an interesting photo...the warmth of the lamp inside and the cold, gray outside. Great juxtaposition!

tommie said...

The one if the arched doorway is stunning! I can't stop staring at it.

Ruth said...

Ohh that second photo. I would have definitely taken that shot too. I love it. Here's to you!!

annulla said...

Those shots are both totally gorgeous. The second one makes me feel all snuggly and cozy, too. Wonderful!

Blather From Brooklyn