Monday, June 19, 2006

Li'l Quack!

Caught these fuzzy siblings a few evenings back near the campus pond. There were more than a dozen of them being taken out by Mama Duck for the evening swimming lessons. It was a sight to behold as their mom led them to pond and they went splish-splash happily into the water while mom swam as gracefully as a duck can :D The brood had 14 kiddos like these and all looked alike. Wonder if animal kingdom goes by names : Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, Puddle , Li'l Quack : heard of that story???? And then there was this Tom n Jerry episode with "the ugly duckling" :) they make adorable tales, don't they??? My fav. is the first one, whom i decided to christen as Li'l Quack, preening for the camera or is it just tickling itself. :)


suramya said...

how enchanting, I keep using superlatives to describe ur blog, the picture just made my day

Jen said... cute!

Hitchcock said...

tooo much!!!! mast snaps!! :)

Jas B said...

I can only come with one word, and that is CUTE. Awwwww these furry little ducklings...

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

suramya : thanks a ton! these were really adorable bunch tho how their Mom manages a brood of 14 , adorable or not, is anyone's guess! :)

jen: aren't they :)

anurag : here u come dripping with sarcasm !!!!!!! :)

jas: they look cuddly too, tho' too small really to cuddle i guess!

Anonymous said...

hahaaaa!...cute da word :D

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

akshay and zibee: yes cute is the word :)

vevck said...

Hey Swati!

Cute! ducklings. Your narration was good, are u a good story teller as well?

I am sorry for the delay in uploading the pics, I managed to upload few today. Hope u Njoi them.


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

vivek : thanks : storytelling was never my forte, guess these pics are here coz i love telling the stories behind them.

and i just happened to chk ur set : pretty as always :)

vevck said...

U r pretty fast:P

Suzana said...

I concur - great story, and cute is the word! Kawaii! ^_^ Nice find!

jane said...

These are very cute!

Antonio Sevila said...

Encantadora la foto de los patitos.
Muy buenas las otras del blog.